Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Internet Jesus Commands It

At the risk of annoying redundancy, I'd like to restate my devotion to Warren Ellis in general, and Freakangels in particular. Read it. It's free. It's great. You're reading this blather telling you to read it, so time must not be an issue for you.*2

Also, my fellow Workshed Studio creator*3, Alan Evans, has a free webcomic as well. No, it's not about post-apocalyptic, drowned London. It's about female wrestlers working and living together while breaking into the business. Who can't get behind that?*4 Great stuff from Albone; definitely for fans of wrestling and action. And I'll be writing a story for one of the characters at some point in the future.*5

Rival Angels

Here, look at this pretty widget device for Freakangels. OoooOOOooohhh.*6

* Which has never scared me.

*2 Reading interweb blather is the number three drain on workplace productivity, right after phone banking and orgies.

*3 Comic book artists and writers call themselves creators because of a universal God complex. Universal God Complex is a top-shelf theme park in Salt Lake City, UT.

*4 'That', not 'them'. It's not that kind of comic.

*5 Don't let that stop you from reading Rival Angels in the interim.


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